April 23
This project is inspired by Adnan Çakmakçıoğlu’s (1922–1998) “Bir Dünya Bırakın Biz Çocuklara” (Let Us Children Inherit A World) children song, which won the First Prize at the UNICEF Song Contest for the Year of the Children in 1979. We dedicate this project for the 23rd of April, Turkish Children Day along with the 20th of November, World Children Day as a multi-facet and with multiple stage project.
Aşkharh mı toğek mez yerekhaneru
Lyrics in Armenian of, “Bir Dünya Bırakın Biz Çocuklara” children song by Adnan Çakmakçıoğlu. “Aşkharh mı toğek mez yerekhaneru; Mez yerekhaneru hayrenik toğek Tırçıvadz toğ çılla artsunknerov Mez yerekhaneru hayrenik toğek Tırçıvadz toğ çılla artsunknerov…”
Lasst uns eine Welt fur Kinder
[Lyrics in German] Lasst uns eine Welt fur Kinder Original lyrics by Adnan ÇAKMAKÇIOĞLU | Music: Salih AYDOĞANThis project is dedicated to the Children of the World towards Global Peace. Tanzend, tanzend, kommt ihr Kinder…
Laissez un monde à nous aux enfants
[In French] “Venez les enfants venez chantez et dansez / Donnez vous les mains chantez et dansez”
Dopustite nam djeci da nasliojedimo svijet
“Bir Dünya Bırakın Biz Çocuklara” Lyrics in Croatian Original lyrics by Adnan ÇAKMAKÇIOĞLU | Music: Salih AYDOĞANThis project is dedicated to the Children of the World towards Global Peace. Dođite, djeco, dođite, dođite, plešite svoj
Ostav nam mir deytam
[In Russian, children song, original lyrics by Adnan Çakmakçioğlu] “Ostav nam mir deytam; Igrat prihodite deti… Vozmites deti za ruki / Igrat prihodite deti… Vozmites deti za ruki”
Laat een wereld na ons kinderen
[In Dutch] “Laat een wereld na ons kinderen: Kom in de kring, kom in de kring, kom op kinderen… / Hand in hand, hand in hand, tesamen kinderen”
Deixe as crianças herdarem um mundo
In Portuguese – Children Song Lyrics: “Deixe as crianças herdarem um mundo / Venham crianças, venham brincando, Dêem as mãos, crianças / Venham crianças, venham brincando, Dêem as mãos, crianças”
Déjanos un mundo
[In Spanish] Déjanos un mundo: “Vengan bailando bailando niños… / Tómense de las manos niños / Vengan bailando bailando niños….Tómense de las manos niños”
[In Italian] Lasciate un Mondo a noi bambini Venite bambini, giocando allegri venite… / Mano nella mano bambini, tenetevi per le mani / Venite bambini, giocando allegri venite… / Mano nella mano bambini, tenetevi per le mani”