Freedom of the Human Spirit, detail.
Sculpture by: Marshall M. Fredericks (1908-1998)
New York World’s Fair (1964-1965)
Photo: Bircan Ünver, LMGlobal.Org
• Thank You & Welcome to the Global Online Members
• Thank You for the January 2024 Received DONATIONS via Zelle
An Open Invitation to ALL Become Global Online Member, now this has become one of the 13 Broadened PURPOSES of The Light Millennium Organization. In this line, Article #11 of the 2019 Amended and Broadened Certificate of Incorporation states the following: “To launch a global online membership campaign to encourage active involvement, participation, and support for the Organization’s initiatives, activities, and programs.”
Below Open Letter is updated based on the initial 2014 Open Letter, specifically towards activating and making a success of Article#11 of the Broadened PURPOSES of The Light Millennium, Inc. Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (2019):
Dear Friends and Supporters of The Light Millennium:
We are proud to provide “an international platform for the free expression of ideas and experiences to foster a global connection among all people,” since The Light Millenniums first ‘open to all’ and multi-participatory issue in January of 2000.
The LM strives to present all ideas to increase the number of its regularly active participants on its multi-media platforms. The ideas presented from a multi-diverse perspective has been serving a wider spectrum as an example of an ever-increasing participatory approach to contribute towards its mission “Fostering Global Connectivity,” promoting a “‘Global’ Freedom of Expression,” “Removing Prejudices and Cultural Diversity,” “Working towards advancing cultural globalization and peace,” which are under the both initial 2001 Mission & Vision along with 2019 Amended and Broadened Purposes as well as with the Visions and Mandates of the United Nations.
Looking forward:
Specifically to the 2021 New Term Board of Elections, J.U.C. Media, Research and Writing Awards and along with active e-publications towards turning out these difficult times for a productive and fruitful year, and onward…
Looking backward to 2019:
With your ongoing support and active involvement, 2019 has been one of the most productive, fruitful, and effective years for the organization through its active participation in the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City on August 26-28, 2020. During the conference, The Light Millennium organized and presented a workshop, titled: “Great Goals, Unintended Consequences: How to handle the complexity of our technology, and make true progress for our social and environmental well being…“
Further, the Organization organized and presented several successful public events and original English and Turkish television programs for LMTV Programs such as “New York’ta Şiirleriyle Attila İlhan” (March 1, 2019, poetry), hosted by Consul General of Turkey in New York, public event); also with the same-titled, produced as in two-parts LMTV studio program, “UNSCRes#1325 On Peace and Women and Security & Secularism” (April 11, 2019, Salvation Army, NYC), “In a Gentle Way, You Can Shake the World: Gandhi at 150“, “Cumhuriyete Dogru / Towards Republic” (October 29, 2019, Salvation Army, NYC.); produced and presented several both studio and event-based television program for LMTV Series along with produced and e-published several photo albums on the Lightmillennium.Org and articles, news, reports on the TurkishLibrary.Us.
Furthermore, The Light Millennium TV (LMTV) has been made available, both new and old, programs on-line, and through cable-casted programs on QPTV both in English and Turkish.
For the aforementioned programs and active participation, the organization collaborated with several UN ambassadors-missions, scientists, academicians, and experts along with several NGO and Civil Society Representatives on various occasions.
Further, the organization actively took a part in both the 66th UN-DPI/NGO Conference in South Korea and UN High-Level Forums on the Culture of Peace’ as the Member of the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace.
Our ultimate goal is to present to YOU a more effectively through your ideas and active involvement or participation and frequently present you on multiple platforms regardless of wherever you are in the world that will also enable us to present all ideas as side by side from all walks of life.
To that extend, we’d like to invite you to become an OPEN GLOBAL ONLINE member towards making this Organization’s as your voice, hope, vision, and dreams to be shared globally and being an active, effective productive member wherever you might be on this Planet!
Please join us and become a global representative of the Organization and support us as a globally seeded organization. The Organization offers multiple ways to become a part of it based on your interest areas. Let every one of you own it and make The Light Millennium is your voice as the most diverse, dynamic, actively participated and presented multi-media platform, cultural organization, which is, now overall has focused on the “Human Advancement” on the global level. It has already been serving voluntarily and has sustained its programs and activities for 20 years. In this line, 2019 was the anniversary of the Manifesto (1999) of the Organization, 2020 is the 20th anniversary of its E-publications (January 2000) along with the 20th Anniversary of The Light Millennium Television (LMTV, January 2000).
Currently, we have focused both redesigning of the LM’s main website (www.lightmillennium.org) along with restructuring the Organization based on the “2019 Amended and Broadened Purposes” and “Amended and Restated
Through your Open Global On-Line Membership and/or generous contributions, the LM will further its efforts in achieving all its goals. Therefore, any amount you wish to donate will be highly appreciated. Please note that your full NAME and amount of your donation will be listed on our website under our SUPPORT page on a monthly base starting on September 2020 unless otherwise is indicated. Thank you very much in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Global On-Line Member will have a capacity to represent the Organization in her community, city-country will be a voice of one-self along with his/her community, culture, ideas along with, will be able to collaborate with the organization to organize a joint event(s) in his/her location, city, etc.… In this way, LM will be able to bring and present diverse communities, cultures, and backgrounds on the global level that also will enable the LM to reach out and be a voice of diverse communities and cultures in every corner of the world.
The Light Millennium – LM is an open alternative global multi-media platform and cultural organization for ALL, which has been operating voluntarily since its inception on the web in 1999. The organization has embraced and implemented all ideas from all walks of life. The LM is not a member-based organization. It does not serve a specific group or operate on an annual fee-based member. Therefore, it is open –to all–organization and platform for all, which does not serve a limited group or community nor does it require an annual membership fee. It is an independent non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit (tax-exempt status #501-c-3), non-governmental (NGO), independent public benefit multi-media and culture organization, which has become associated itself the United Nations Department of Public Information effective on December 12, 2005. Officially formed in 2001 and based in Queens, New York.
In 2019, according to Webalizer, the Organization’s website received monthly visits from about 120-130 different countries. Annual hits are over 5 million and according to AWStats, the website has been visited on an annual base more than 200 countries.
2019: The Organization has accomplished to “Amended and Broadened” its 2001 Certificate of Incorporation along with 2019 “Amended and Restated” its By-Laws, which are approved by the State of New York Department of State as of December 19, 2019.
We have been dreaming to gain one-million Online Global Members towards being able to present the most diverse voices from all walks of life (from 5 to over 100 years old) globally during the next five–years. We provide various both online and physical channels and platforms along with representative and collaboration opportunities based on the Organization’s 2019 “Broadened” Purposes & Publishing Policy.
Conclusion: We have made significant recognizable progress towards our initial mission and vision although with a very limited capacity yet with a very committed volunteer-based staff, content contributors, the board of directors, and advisory board.
With the 2019 “Amended and Broadened” Purposes along with “Amended and Restated” By-Laws, now, we are very confident that we could do more and be impactful both on a local and global level.
To that end, we would hereby like to ask for your kind and warm support to enable and empower us further in terms of obtaining technical equipment, such as computers (printers, scanners, and video-cameras), and also develop and enhance its website. It would also help us to further sustain The Light Millennium Television | LMTV’s production and post-production. Once we have sustained a strong technical and IT infrastructure along with being able to hire an IT person on an annual base, we aim to reach out to millions to become be the voice of those millions within the Organization’s both ‘founding‘ principles and ‘broadened‘ Purposes.
Needless to say, your support will help and empower us greatly to present your ideas more frequently and effectively and be a voice of YOU on the global level.
With that, we would like to invite you to “Become Global Online Member”, or become a supporter of the Organization’s Vision and Purposes. In this line, we will be grateful to any amount of donation with tax-exempt or assistance you may provide to our organization.
We would like to extend our very best wishes for a healthier 2020 to ALL in peace, love, and light…
The Light Millennium is Your Millennium!
Bircan Ünver, Founding President, TV Producer, Head of
The Light Millennium, Inc. Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (LMGlobal.Org) to the United Nations Department of Global Communications
www.lightmillennium.org | www.lmglobal.org | www.turkishlibrary.us
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– Current posts are available through the following links:
• E-ISSUE: https://www.lmglobal.org/e-issue/
• UNITED NATIONS: https://www.lmglobal.org/undgc/
• EVENTS: https://www.lmglobal.org/events/
• ARCHIVE (since 1999): https://www.lmglobal.org/archive/
Please kindly send your donation (check or money order) to
The Light Millennium, Inc.
Postal address: 87-82 115th St.Richmond Hill, NY, 11418, U.S.A.
Or, DONATE via Zelle:
1. Global Online Member does not mean to joining the Board of Directors of the Organization neither having a voting capacity nor mandatory to attending the Board Meetings. However, Global Online Membership status will provide a path towards to actively joining to the Governing Body of the Organization based on its 2019 “Amended and Restated” By-Laws.
2. The Organization’s online Donation Agreement via NYCharities.Org is no longer exist. LM will work on for a new online donation mechanism to be activated soon.
3. Initially, this Open Letter was written by Bircan Ünver in 2014, and edited by Yesim Ozel Dorian. Then it was posted on December 12, 2014. It is updated based on the 2019 “Amended and Broadened” Purposes by Bircan Ünver on June 9, 2020.