About The Light Millennium

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The Light Millennium – A Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization | LMGlobal.Org www.lightmillennium.org | www.lmglobal.org Since 1999… The (LMGlobal.Org) is a non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit (501-c-3), non-governmental (NGO), independent and secular Charitable Human Advancement Organization. LM Logo (2001)The LMGlobal.Org (initially, The Light Millennium, “LM”) is associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC; formerly, UN Department of Public Information “UN/DPI”) effective on December 12, 2005. The Organization has sustained its “Active” and “Good Standing” with the UNDGC since 2005. LMGlobal.Org Logo (2020) The Light Millennium Global Organization (LMGlobal.Org) has “Amended and Broadened” the initial 2001 PURPOSES/Mission along with its By-LAWS as of December 17, 2019. 2019 “Amended and Broadened” PURPOSES The Light Millennium Organization’s vision was initially introduced by Bircan Ünver on the Web in August 1999. In January 2000, it launched multi-participatory e-publications, organized multi-participatory public events in terms of contents and presenters along with produced and presented television programs for/under The Light Millennium Television since January 2000. Bircan led its official formation as the founder of the Organization with the #501-c-3 status in 2001, based in Queens, New York. Until its official formation, LMGlobal.Org’s vision, e-publications, #LightMillenniumTV programs, and public events have been presented on the Web since August 1999, and onward… The LMGlobal.Org was formed based on the first article of the United States Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech, in conjunction with the United Nations’ Universal Declaration Article #19, on Freedom of Expression. It invites citizens of the world to submit, in an appropriate artistic medium, ideas, and experiences that will help foster better understanding between people of different cultures and beliefs. The organization frequently presents ideas from the United Nations on its key issues as well as ideas from all walks of life. Since LMGlobal.Org’s association with the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN-DGC; formerly UN/DPI), channels its capacity and potential sources in support of the UN Vision, Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015) and since 2015; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and with a specific focus on the Sustainable “HUMAN” developments on its existing multiple platforms yet on the voluntary basis. LMGlobal.Org has collaborated with the (formerly) Department of Public Information during the NY base UN-DPI/NGO conferences including the recent years 65th, 66th (UN DPI/NGO) and 68th UN Civil Society conferences, in which it sponsored and presented workshops such as “A Quest to Fulfill Hunger of the Body and Mind Post-2015: Is genetically modified food a solution?” (2014, New York), “Visions for a Universal Education Protokol” (2019, South Korea), “Great Goals, Unintended Consequences: How to handle the complexity of our technology, and make true progress for our social and environmental well being” (2019, Salt Lake City) as well as with other major universities such as CUNY-GC, Baruch, Columbia, NYU, Princeton, Yale, Stevens Institute of Technology, and non-governmental, civil society organizations, as well as with several government agencies and member states of the UN for an event and/or Light Millennium Television based collaboration with such government entities as the Turkish Mission, Turkish Consulate General, NY Turkish Culture Office, Swiss Consulate General, the Sri Lankan, El Salvadoran, Kazakhstani, Macedonian, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Ethiopia missions over the years…along with the Consul General of India in New York.  LMGloba.Org has been promoting global peace and cultural diversity since its inception and has been a member of the Global Movement for the Culture of Peace (GMCoP) since 2012, which, actively took part in 2013, 2014, 2018 & 2019 UN High-Level Forums on the Culture of Peace, and produced three programs on the Culture of Peace with Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury in different years for the #LightMillenniumTV Series, which are available through online.  Further, the Organization “Specially Accredited” to the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, and actively participated at the U.N. Head Quarters with the following titled side event (#W175), “What Is Your Water Action Commitment to the Water Action Decade” as in the three-fold event, which was presented on March 21, 2023. The side event also provided a ground for the #OneMinute #WaterActionCommitment Series*, along with the #Water2023 Conference at large. In this context, the LMGlobal.Org has made a commitment to the UN-DESA through its Side Event#175, on which, the organization has been continuously working on it after the conference. Furthermore, the LMGlobal.Org has been focused on encouraging youth including children and high school students through e-publications (in 2022, 15 middle and high school students research papers posted in support of the International Day of Science for Peace and Development and the Peace; the 2021 & 2023 bi-annual J.U.C. Awards Project, and the “Let Us Children Inherit A World” titled Children Project in support of the Turkish Children Day (23 Nisan) along with Universal Children Day (20 November). [*] The Light Millennium Television’s #LightMillenniumTV,  #OneMinute / #WaterActionCommitment Series is available (with 30 mini-episodes as of June 11, 2023) through www.vimeo.com/channels/LightMillenniumTV. It is also scheduled to run through QPTV.Org (New York) local cable channels as Public Service Announcements starting on June 12, 2023, and onward. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (with voting capacitybased on June 17, 2022, Annual Meeting | Board of Elections for 2022 – 2024: • BİRCAN ÜNVER, M.A., Founder0President, TV, Event, and Web Content Producer, Head NGO Representative at the United Nations Department of Global Communications since 2005; • Prof. VICTOR B. LAWRENCE, Director of the Center for Intelligent Networked Systems (iNetS), and former Associate Dean and Batchelor Chair Professor at Stevens Institute of Technology (New Jersey). • Ms. DEMET DEMİRKAYA, Photographer, Poet; Treasurer. • Mr. JONATHON CUMMINGS, Member of the Steering Committee for the Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation, an Advisor to Global Policy Insights, a Member of the Board for the Black Professionals in International Affairs, and an Alliance Manager for Deloitte’s Government and Public Services. (Joined in 2023) 2022 – 2024 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS (No voting capacity) Ambassador RODRIGO A. CARAZO of Costa Rica to the United Nations (2018-2022); 2023 Member, UN Human Rights Commission (Geneva); 2022 President, UNICEF Executive Board  • Prof. OLCAY ÜNVER, Professor of Practice, Polytechnic Sch ERM Prgm., Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures Scientists and Scholars Affiliate, Melikian Center at Arizona State University; • EDWARD FOSTER, Professor of Emeritus, College of Arts and Letters at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey.  • HANDE SUBAŞILAR, Ph.D., Art Historian, Caldwell University, N.J., Former Secretary General of the LMGlobal.Org • İSA ALEMDAĞ, IT Consultant, Entrepreneur (U.K., Türkiye, Cyprus).   THE 2023 LMGLOBAL.ORG’s REPRESENTATIVES TO THE UNITED NATIONS DEPARTMENT OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS (#UNDGC_CSO) • Bircan ÜNVER, HEAD  NGO Representative to the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC) since 2005. • Prof. OLCAY ÜNVER, Professor of Practice, Polytechnic Sch ERM Prgm., Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures Scientists and Scholars Affiliate, Melikian Center at Arizona State University; • BÜLENT DOĞRUYOL, Information Technology, And Services, New York; • Professor of Emeritus GARY M. GROSSMAN, Arizona State University; • GÜLLER YAZGI AKATA Youth Representative, Student, Computer Science, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; • JONATHON CUMMINGS, Youth Representative, LMGlobal.Org Board Member.   In MEMORY OF our late-former Advisory Board Members: • ETEM EROL, Professor in Middle Eastern Studies, Yale University, CT. (1955-2016)  • TALAT S. HALMAN, Professor in Literature Department of the Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, National President of UNICEF in Turkey (1931 – 2014).  • Prof. Samuel PALEY, University of Buffalo, United States (1941 – 2010) Seyitömer Höyük – Samuel Paley Legacy Project Also: In MEMORY Of our 2019 & 2020 UN NGO Representative: • Sevgin OKTAY, NGO Representative to the United Nations Department of Global Communications (1935 – 2023)    OUR MOTTOs EVERYTHING SHOULD BE UNDER THE SUN: YES to the Global Peace Movement, YES to Loving & Caring for Each Other, YES to Greatness in Humanity, YES to Saving Our Unique Mother Earth, YES to Great Dreams For Better Tomorrows, YES to Emerging Positive Global Energy, YES to National and Global Transparency, and YES to Lighting Our Souls & Minds. We have only one WORLD yet! If we destroy it, where else will we go? NO to New Nuclear Weapons – NO to Star Wars – NO to New Nuclear Targets… NO to Weapons In Space – NO to New Pretexts For Nuclear War – NO to Nuclear Testing – NO to All Types Of Weapons & War & War Culture…   DISCLOSURE:  1: All manuscripts submitted become the property of Light Millennium, Inc. Contributors are solely responsible for the content of their works.  2: Once ideas/manuscripts have been submitted and have appeared on the organization’s website, these ideas/manuscripts CANNOT BE REMOVED from the organization’s Web site/s AT ANY TIME. The organization has aimed to create an “archive of our time”. From the inception of the Light Millennium in 1999 until the present, all posted ideas and written works have been presented on the Web, including the Introductory Issue. These are all available from the organization’s Web ARCHIVE from 1999 to 2018 on the www.lightmillennium.org ; and from 2020, through the www.lmglobal.org. (Please also read the “Letter of the Summer-2006 Issue“)  www.lightmillennium.org | www.lmglobal.org