The LM has been published on the Internet since August 1999 including the Introductory Issue…
For Publishing Criteria
It became an official institution on 17 July 2001, taking the first article of U.S. Constitution, Freedom of Speech along with the Article#19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to promote life in all its dimensions. (For more information see MISSION)
1) Our primary aim is to publish works that have not been published before, including on the Internet. However, relevant previously published materials will be considered.
2) Potential contributors are encouraged to submit their proposals, whether written or illustrative, to The LIGHT MILLENNIUM.
3) Our first priority is to publish never before published materials. However, relevant previously published materials from small press or limited distribution outlets will be considered. If a work has been previously published either in hardcopy or virtual form, the person submitting the work to LM must first obtain permission to reprint from the previous publisher.
4) All written submissions must be typed with 101 English keyboard, or should be formatted to fit 101 English keyboard format, and must be submitted as MS word documents, using Arial, Verdana or Times fonts.
5) All illustrative material must be submitted as JPEG or GIF format. Any material submitted in formats other than those mentioned above may not be published.
6) Contributors must include a brief profile or narrative biography with their submission.
7) LM retains the right to refuse to publish materials that promote partisan politics, war, the production of nuclear weapons, dissemination of pornography or content in any way discriminative to sex, race and sexual orientation.
8) Other than the restrictions stated in Number 7, LM will not censor submissions.
9) Submissions are not returned.
10) LM takes no responsibility for the views expressed in published articles. Contributors are responsible for the content of their own submitted materials.
11) LM is not in a position to pay contributors. Furthermore, it is the contributors’ responsibility to seek and pay for any copyright charges.
12) Materials published in LM are not to be reproduced without the permission of the publisher. LM retains the right to charge a fee and receive a credit for any materials reproduced from its pages in any medium either hardcopy or electronic, excluding university or non-profit organizations.
13) 50% of the total copyright costs will be paid to the owner of the reproduced material, once it has been received by the LM organization.
14) LM does not publish advertorial.
15) Under the status 501 (c) (3), LM is an alternative global platform publishing for the public good. As such, it relies on sponsorships, funds, grants or donations from various channels, national and international.
16) Any contributor, subject to the restrictions outlined in Number 7, being professional or non-professional, that wishes to contribute may do so in this open platform. Contributors will not be charged for expenses, subscription, a maintenance fee or an annual membership.
17) Currently we are publishing issues in English and Turkish. We publish three or four issues a year.
18) Our ultimate aim is to publish on a monthly basis in various languages, subject to available grants, funds and donors.
19) All the contributors who seek to publish in LM agree to the above-stated guidelines.
20) All manuscripts submitted become the property of the Light Millennium unless otherwise stated by the copyright holder.
Thank you for your submission, contribution and participation for the Light Millennium Organization.